The first in-person meeting of YOULead, the EU funded project, has taken place in beloved city of Rome, Italy. YOULead is the project aimed at improving skills of #youngleaders in the field of grassroots sport management through the intergenerational dialogue with the CSIT Sport Directors and working groups activities.

In total, 28 participants coming 6 Grassroots sport organisations within the #CSIT network: AICS/Italy, ASKÖ/Austria, Health Life Academy/Croatia, Eesti Spordiselts Kalev/Estonia, Suomen Työväen Urheiluliitto TUL ry/Finland and Consells Esportius de Catalunya/Spain had the chance to spend 3 days all together in Rome hosted by AiCS.

YOULEAD, like the Youth projects before it, is co-funded by the European Commission and aims to improve young people’s skills in grassroots sports. The project is the third edition of the non-formal education programme YOUAca and the second edition in which HLA is participating.

As the meeting took place in the framework of the CSIT Congress, it was also an opportunity to meet some CSIT representatives. The two CSIT sports directors, Henk Bouchoms and Georges Michel, as well as Herold Van Hest, took part in the project with the young people for an exchange of ideas within the framework of the intergenerational dialogue.

The programme has foreseen two days of non-formal education and sports activities between Rome and Ostia. 

All the young leaders had a chance to practice sport on the beach and simultaneously learn more about the activities and the management of youth camp for amateur sports. 
