INSIDE – press release

The launch of a new project: ‘INSIDE’ for social inclusion through Sport

World Health Organization has recognized People with Intellectual Disabilities (PwID) as an extremely vulnerable group often subjected to discrimination and neglect. The INSIDE project aims to foster PwID’s inclusion by using sports in a creative and innovative way for enhancing their social empowerment.

The project’s kick-off meeting took place online during March, following the COVID-19 restrictions and health regulations. The partnership agreed to the project’s timeline and started working towards achieving the project’s aims.

During the first project’s lifecycle, the partnership is going towards empowering PwID through multiple activities. The partnership will develop an Empowering Sport and Games Methodology, an “Easy-to-read” Sport and Games Guide, a Capacity Building Training Course and a Webtool which, in total, will contribute to achieving the project’s objectives.

The INSIDE Project ‘social INcluSion of people with Intellectual DisabilitiEs through sport’ is an Erasmus+ – Collaborative partnerships in the field of Sport whose activities, running from January 2021 to December 2022, aim to promote sport as an empowering tool for PwID.


INSIDE is an Erasmus+ – Collaborative partnerships in the field of Sport

Project number: 622450-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-SPO-SCP


