GreenAca – New EUproject!

From March 10th to 12th, 2024, our association in Pula hosted the first transnational meeting of the GreenAca project. This kickoff event marked the beginning of an exciting journey towards promoting environmental sustainability in grassroots sports.

GreenAca is an EU co-funded initiative running throughout 2024, coordinated by CSIT in partnership with several European organizations: AiCS (Italy), Suomen Työväen Urheiluliitto TUL ry (Finland), Consells Esportius de Catalunya (Spain), Health Life Academy (Croatia), Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg (Austria), and Sportcamp Loutraki (Greece).

The project’s main objective is to create an Academy of Environmental Sustainability in Grassroots Sport, utilizing customized digital tools and international workshops. This initiative seeks to equip sport managers and coaches with the knowledge and skills necessary to incorporate environmental sustainability into grassroots sports activities. By raising environmental awareness among children and families in rural areas, GreenAca aims to make a meaningful difference.

Through the GreenAca project, grassroots sport organizations and their clubs will receive invaluable educational resources, setting the stage for a greener and more socially responsible sports environment.

This initiative is a crucial step towards a sustainable future for sports and the environment, and we are honored to contribute to this effort.

For more details about the project and our activities, please follow our official channels and visit our website.
