eYOUAca – 4th transnational meeting in Barcelona

Greetings everyone! We recently gathered with our project partners in Barcelona for a comprehensive review of our progress and strategic planning for the upcoming phases. The meeting was rich in content, featuring collaborative working sessions and the presentation of noteworthy outcomes from the eYOUAca project.

Upon our arrival in Barcelona, the first afternoon was dedicated to a meeting where we go through the student results within the project. Each partner showcased their presentations, gearing up for the 45th CSIT Congress scheduled for the following day.

On the second day, the 45th CSIT Congress kicked off, where we actively participated in presentations by various organizations and associations that are members of CSIT. As the eYOUAca team, we presented our current results on the eYOUAca project to the CSIT committee.

Similar to all eYOUAca gatherings, the Barcelona meeting proved to be a fruitful and dynamic occasion. We seized the opportunity to collaborate, share ideas, and engage in discussions on crucial aspects of the project. Looking forward to our next meeting in Liege, Belgium.
