GreenAca Logo!

We are thrilled to unveil the logo for our new Erasmus+ project, GreenAca! This initiative, coordinated by CSIT, brings together a remarkable consortium of partners including Health Life Academy (Croatia), Suomen Työväen Urheiluliitto TUL ry (Finland), AiCS (Italy), Consells Esportius de Catalunya (Spain), Hellenic Organization for Company Sport & Health (Greece), and Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg (Austria).


GreenAca is dedicated to equipping grassroots sport staff with essential environmental sustainability skills, fostering a greener and more inclusive future for the sports industry. Through this transformative project, we aim to instill sustainable practices within the realm of sports, promoting environmental awareness and action among sport professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Stay tuned for further updates and achievements as we embark on this exciting journey towards sustainability in sports. Together, we can make a significant impact!
