CSIT Online Congress – Presentation WSG 2021

Heatlh  Life Academy member Milan Cupic attended “2nd World Amateur Sports Forum – Sport Impacts All”  within the frame of the 42nd CSIT Congress-Summit 2020 on Friday Oct. 30th.

The 7th CSIT World Sports Games are scheduled to take place from 1 to 6 June 2021 in the Emilia Romagna region.

The organiser is Cervia with its partner municipalities Cesena, Cesenatico and Ravenna. Originally Zagreb was awarded the contract. However, the Croats had to withdraw because of the Corona crisis and a violent earthquake with enormous effects on the region. Emilia Romagna stepped in at short notice. At the 2nd Sport Forum “Sport Impacts All” within the CSIT Online Congress, the region presented itself and its plans for the CSIT WSG in detail.

The event-proven region of Emilia Romagna will offer the CSIT family with its around 4,000 participants everything that a large sports event needs and meets all necessary requirements. In addition, CSIT’s first Green Event will be held in Emilia Romagna with a detailed concept for environmental compatibility and sustainability. The 7th CSIT World Sports Games will leave a green footprint in Emilia Romagna. 

New member organizations
CSIT is constantly striving to expand its community and to admit more members to the association. At the Online Congress three motions were accepted unanimoulsy as new CSIT Candidate Members. The Indian Dr. Ambedkar Games Federation , Mamanet Austria and the Peruvian Workers’ Sport Movement (Asociacion Deportiva Peruana de los Trabajadores ADEPET). Initial contacts and preliminary talks have been held with some other potential candidates. Currently CSIT has 45 member associations worldwide.

Parasport Pilot Project
For the first time, the CSIT WSG will include disabled sports, one of the major concerns of CSIT President Bruno Molea. The main idea is to bring together athletes with intellectual disabilities with athletes without physical disabilities to create and live inclusion and integrated team sports. At the WSG mainly with demonstrations and promotion. Planned are Futsal (four disabled and one non-disabled person), Basketball (three disabled and two non-disabled) and Volleyball (five disabled and one non-disabled). Swimming and table tennis plan a demo competition with people with Down’s syndrome. In case of any questions please contact CSIT Para-Sport Coordinator Claudia Borzacchini via email (borclaudia18@gmail.com).
