Recently the European Commission have shown a growing interest in the role of coaches in society as, just like teachers in schools, they are said to play a crucial role in the process of personal growth and holistic development of their participants, helping them to overcome the challenges of the society they live in. As it is not very common to find coaches who are naturally gifted with this kind of skills, this project aims at promoting a set of skills that will enable the participants to have that important impact on people’s life as they are supposed to. In order to do so, the participants will take part to workshops and together with some experts they will have the chance to work on these aspects of their job that too often are not taken into consideration. What better setting for this project than a not for profit cultural and sport event with 1.000 participants every year and in which teams are entirely composed of migrants. In fact, all the workshops will be held during “MunduaLido”, a football tournament for migrants organised since 1999 by Club Italia in Rome, that is at its 21st edition and is aimed at social inclusion. Anyway, this is not the only objective, as the project wants to promote a set of skills also for the managers. The aim is, starting from the Italian experience “MundiaLido”, is the exchange of good practices. The managers participating in the project will have the chance to attend to the organisation of a sport event for social inclusion, getting a concrete insight of what it takes to organise such an event and learning from Club Italia’s experts the skills required to do so. Once they will be back in their home country, they will have the experience needed to implement such an event on their territory too, adapting it to the needs of their environment and turning this way a national event like “MundiaLido” into a European not for profit sport event for migrants and EU natives, “MundialEU”.