The Croatia Like Walk tourism-educational project was founded in the best spirit of Olympism, and its long-term goal is to valorize and position sustainable sports tourism as an important segment of the overall offer of our destinations. After all, walking started the Olympic Games.
The project is designed to promote sports and Olympism in order to preserve health and encourage health tourism in the Republic of Croatia. The goal is to build an authentic and unique Croatian brand that respects all local sports, natural and cultural specialties.
Walking is the simplest and most natural physical activity for man. As a form of sports recreation, fast or sporty walking can enable us, regardless of age and whether or not we have played sports before, to achieve and maintain an enviable physical and mental condition. Regular and disciplined fast walking will do a lot for our health and good mood. As fast or sports walking puts much less strain on the body, and especially the joints, than running, it is an ideal form of sports recreation not only for young people but also for middle-aged and elderly people. Walking fast, the athletic sport discipline grew into a form of mass sports recreation first in America from where it then spread very quickly throughout the European continent. In the conditions of modern living characterized by lack of movement, brisk walking is an ideal way of recreation for everyone, regardless of age and current condition. Furthermore, the positive effects of brisk walking are very quickly visible, and the risk of overloading the body is almost non-existent.
The intention of the project is to establish a modular umbrella event that systematically promotes sports walking as a competitive and long-term sports project in the segment of health tourism with a strong development perspective, and its main goal is to systematically promote walking as a basic sport in the best spirit of Olympism.